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Deleting a Virtual Machine Instance

This guide will cover Deleting a Virtual Machine Instance within Enseva Azure

Deleting a Virtual Machine Instance

  1. Navigate to the Tenant Portal
    Enseva Azure allows cloud administrators to quickly delete Windows and Linux virtual machine instances. All that is required is an Enseva Azure account and a valid subscription

    The tenant portal can be accessed from a web browser by visiting this URL:

    Enter your user credentials and click the 'Submit' button


  2. Select a Virtual Machine
    On the left hand side of the page, ensure that 'Virtual Machines' has been selected. You will see a list of virtual machines that are currently setup on your account

    In this tutorial we will be deleting the 'demo-vm' virtual machine


    Select the virtual machine you wish to delete, then select 'Dashboard'


  3. Stop the Virtual Machine
    Before a virtual machine can be deleted, it must be in a stopped state. To stop the virtual machine, click the 'Stop' button at the bottom of the page



  4. Delete the Virtual Machine
    Once the virtual machine has been stopped, it can now be deleted. To do so, click the 'Delete' button at the bottom of the page





  5. Confirm RemovalĀ 
    Return to your virtual machine list to confirm removal
